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Деловое администратирование
Задание для зачета по дисциплине «Деловое администрирование» № 1. Прочитать и перевести текст № I. «A balance of work, rest and play». Перевод распечатать! На зачете, Наталья Николаевна будет «тыкать пальцем» в любой абзац, и студент должен будет прочитать и перевести отмеченный абзац. Ответить на вопросы в конце текста, письменно! Используя слова и выражения из текста. НН будет спрашивать Выполнить упражнение № II. Ответить на вопрос № 1). № 2. Составить текст презентации компании, в которой вы работаете (20-25 предложений). Презентация должна включать в себя информацию: – о компании (чем занимается, структура компании и т.д.); – об отделе, в котором вы работаете; – о своих непосредственных обязанностях. Текст выучить наизусть. На зачете каждый будет презентовать свою презентацию (пардон то есть, sorry за тавтологию). № 3. Составить свое SV (резюме), можно с фотографией. Разумеется на английском языке, и разумеется по всем правилам. SV распечатать и приложить к переводу, ответам на вопросы и презентации. A BALANCE OF WORK, REST AND PLAY I. 1) Read and translate the text. 2) Put 3-5 questions to the text. 3) Ask the students of your group, in turn, to answer them. Young workers in Europe are adjusting to the flexible job market but remain concerned about their long-term security. Alison Maitland reports. As long-term job security becomes more elusive, young people entering the European labour market are demanding something in its place. High on their list of priorities is flexible work that will allow time for outside interests and responsibilities, according to research published today. "Working long hours every day is not for me," says a male Portuguese student quoted in the study. "It is necessary once in a while. But I want a life too, a person has other things to do apart from work." The qualitative research, published by the Work Life Research Centre in London, was carried out through focus groups and interviews with a cross-section of 18- to 30-years-olds in the UK, Ireland, Portugal, Norway and Sweden. Part of a European Union equal opportunities programme, it covers attitudes to adulthood, work, family life and gender differences. The competitive jobs market and the trend towards temporary contracts have left young people anxious about their futures, the study finds. The proportion of employees on fixed-term contracts is rising across EU and young people are the most affected. Many are concerned that the lack of a secure income will force them to put off having a house. In Ireland, many young people regard a stable job as rare. An Irish male hotel manager describes a secure job as one involving contract "every few years rather than every six month". A Swedish woman in temporary work comments: "I believe that people will increasingly have to create their own jobs and that one will have to sell oneself more and more." Reasonable pay is regarded as important in a job, but so are enjoyment, challenge, social benefits and opportunities for development. The long-hours culture, particularly prevalent in the UK and Portugal, is disliked. The study finds that young employees want to be treated fairly, to work flexibly and to achieve a balance between work and outside life. In return, they expect to be flexible and committed to their organizations while they are employed. There is no expectation of jobs for life, but they do want some security in the long term. A female Swedish engineer says of her employers: "This place is good because we have flexible work hours. If I can't come one morning but I can come in the evening to do the work, I may do that. Many young people do not believe gender equality is yet a reality. But the expectations of young men and women are converging. Young women of all social classes and ethnic backgrounds want qualifications and financial independence. Young men in blue-collar job still tend to see their "breadwinner" role as the most important, but white-collar young men are, at least in theory, ready to help with housework and childcare. "I don't want to be a manager, I want to see my kid grow up, and have the space to enjoy it," says one male professional in the UK. But in the UK, Ireland and Portugal, employers' attitudes are seen to stand in the way of such opportunities for men. "I'd like kid, to bring up the kid, or at least work only part-time, if that was possible. Yet you will always come up against employers in arranging that," says a British man. Even in Sweden, support from management is seen as depending on whether the boss has children, according to a group of men aged 25 to 27. "The boss we had before changed completely when he had a child. Before he was tough and now he is understanding." Questions: Are there people you envy enough to want to trade lives with them? Who are they? (На эти вопросы ответить письменно, используя слова и выражения из вышеизложенного текста). Ниже приведены словосочетания, которые встречаются в тексте (рекомендация преподавателя – перевести их в первую очередь, чтобы было проще переводить текст). II. 1) Find the equivalents of the following words and expressions in the dictionary. 2) Learn them. Use them in the sentences of your own. to adjust to to put off having a house to be elusive reasonable pay to be high on their list of priorities to achieve a balance between work and outside life to work long hours to be committed to gender differences gender equality temporary contracts expectations are converging to be anxious about a breadwinner fixed-term contracts to stand in the way of to work part-time to come up against the lack of a secure income to be understanding Данные для резюме: Количество страниц: 20 | |
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Предмет: Реклама, PR | Просмотров: 668 | |
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